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Back to School


So that's it, they're back to school, and in some cases... STARTING SCHOOL!

A mix of emotions for our (not so little) kiddies and for us Mamas. From "Thank F%*&! the summer holidays are over, FREEDOMMM", to "How is my baby at school age, I can't stop crying everyday" (literally me!).

We have found some lovely ways to help you and your little one stay positive, calm and connected, as they start school.

Tip 1 (from Sarah Lailey of Baby Sensations):

Draw a heart on both of your children's hands, then press or massage each for up to 20 seconds - show them how to do it too!

Thus area represents the solar plexus, also known as the abdominal brain. It's where we feel "butterflies" in our tummies and it's a great way to help with calming, relaxation, stress and anxiety relief.

Draw yourself matching hearts and give it a go too!

Tip 2 (from Kat at Kids Play Learn Laugh):

Sew two kisses onto their school jumper/cardigan and explain that if they ever miss you whilst at school, they can kiss/rub/hug or just look at them... it will send a little kiss back to you.

So, however you are feeling about it, GOOD LUCK to you and your babies and remember... it's always ok to ugly cry in the car park!

Sally and Hannah xoxo

For more tips on play, learning, massage and reflexology, please follow @kids_play_learn_laugh and @baby_sensations on Instagram and Facebook!



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