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Autumn Days when the grass is jewelled... and your stuck indoors, with Peppa Pig on repeat!


With the Autumn weather drawing in, we thought it was a good time to share some ‘rainy day’ activity inspiration to keep the little ones entertained (and so we can enjoy a hot drink relatively peacefully!) Being stuck indoors can make the days seem long and I personally enjoy getting out for some fresh air at least once a day! When that doesn’t seem possible though, having some easy, fun activities up our sleeve can be a game changer (or sane changer, if you get me!) Here at Ooh Mama we have some of our favourite accounts that we follow for activity inspiration. We must also ‘toot our own horns’ as we have come up with some of our own creative ways to keep the tantrums at bay (the kids not yours!) - including some print out activities (created in lockdown) to have a go at :-)

Below are some of our favourite accounts that we have tried and tested so you can kick back in the knowledge that your smalls will be having fun, freeing you of any mum guilt you may have by keeping them indoors! Who said jumping in muddy puddles wasn’t still fun after the 175th time?!

Play Hooray- The wonderful Claire at Play Hooray designs activity cards for all occasions to keep everyone in the house entertained. Simple suggestions that don’t cost the earth to recreate and themed cards for occasions like Halloween and Christmas makes sure that the fun keeps coming all year round! / Facebook- Play.Hooray / Instagram- @play.hooray

The Creation Station- The Creation Station does all things arts and crafts, with lots of Facebook and Instagram lives to give you inspiration and support whilst trying out new things to do and art ideas! We love to see what new activities they have and our kiddies love to try them out!

Facebook- The Creation Station West Berkshire

Instagram- creationstationinspiration

Organised Chaos with Kids- Anything that has organised, kids and chaos in their name gets our vote and the fact that they provide eco-friendly and sensory play dough kits is just inspired! Having purchased a few of these between us, we HIGHLY recommend - we love them and the kids love them even more... a winner for all!

Facebook- Organised Chaos With Kids

Instagram- organisedchaoswithkids



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